Warehouse Specialist/Stock Management
Absen GmbH
  • 面议
  • 国外
  • 经验 1年~3年
  • 全职
  • 发布于1970-01-01

仓库管理 1.通过应用高效的解决方案和实施仓库管理系统来改善仓库运营 2.使用 SAP、Excel 和其他工具保持进出货物的精确和最新记录 3.优化LED显示屏产品备件管理 4.根据运营要求进行铅库存 5.与总部专家协调,提供仓库管理解决方案 6.负责保持仓库井井有条、整洁,有效利用仓库空间 Warehouse Management 1.Improve warehouse operations by applying efficient solutions and implementing warehouse management systems 2.Keep precise and up-to-date records of incoming and outgoing goods using SAP, excel, and other tools 3.Optimize spare parts management of LED display products 4.Lead inventory according to operational requirements 5.Coordinate with specialists in HQ for warehouse management solutions 6.In charge of keeping the warehouse well organized and clean, and making efficient use of the warehouse space 库存管理: 1.根据客户要求准备LED显示屏演示 2.与技术、销售、物流等其他部门密切沟通和协调,确保工作流程顺畅 3.定期审查和更新库存清单 Stock Management: 1.Prepare LED display demos according to customers’ requirements 2.Communicate and coordinate closely with other departments such as technical, sales and logistics to ensure a smooth workflow 3.Regularly review and update the stock list


1.SAP和仓库系统的知识和实践经验 2.2年仓库管理经验 3.电子/半导体基础知识 4.注重数字,具有出色的 excel 技能 5.高度组织化和注重细节 6.有上进心和优秀的团队合作精神 7.必须精通中文(母语水平),高级英语或德语知识者优先 1.Knowledge and practical experience of SAP and warehouse systems 2.2 years of warehouse management experience 3.Basic knowledge of electronics/semi-conductors 4.Attention to numbers with excellent excel skills 5.Highly organized and detail-oriented 6.Self-motivated and an excellent team player 7.High proficiency in Chinese language (native level) is mandatory, advanced knowledge of English or German is preferred


上班地址:Mörfelden-Walldorf, 德国


艾比森光电股份有限公司成立于2001年,注册资金1020万美元,至今已发展成为全球领先的LED显示屏产品及交钥匙解决方案提供商,产品销往118个国家和地区,得到了来自世界各地的6500多个正面评价。艾比森是行业内技术和创新的领导者,其团队已有1200多人驻扎在世界各地。2013年,我们建立欧洲总部Absen GmbH。