  • 面议
  • 台州
  • 经验 5年以上
  • 全职
  • 发布于1970-01-01

1、负责非标自动化产品机械结构部分的设计与现场异常问题解决; 2、负责项目设计周期、产品稳定性及成本; 3、完成上级交办的其他工作任务。 1.Responsible for the design of mechanical structure of non-standard automation products and the solution of on-site abnormal problems; 2.Responsible for project design cycle, product stability and cost; 3.Complete other tasks assigned by the superior.


1、机电一体化、机械设备制造相关专业,5年以上非标自动化设备的设计工作经验; 2、熟悉非标机械设备开发流程,能独立完成非标自动化设备整机研发设计; 3、熟练掌握自动化设备设计方案制作和开发,熟练运用电气元件和各类传感器、伺服电机等; 4、可独立设计结构图、装配图、零件图等,可独立负责公司设备的技术方案制定、技术制图、技术资料整理等工作; 5、熟悉装配调试和机加工工艺; 6、能独立处理现场技术难题,根据用户需求对现场技术问题进行改进和完善,独立分析和解决产品开发过程中的各类技术问题。 1.Major in electromechanical integration and mechanical equipment manufacturing, with more than 5 years of design experience in non-standard automation equipment; 2.Familiar with the development process of non-standard mechanical equipment, able to independently complete the R&D and design of non-standard automation equipment; 3.Proficient in the production and development of automation equipment design schemes, skilled in the use of electrical components, various sensors, servo motors, etc; 4.Can independently design structural drawings, assembly drawings, parts drawings, etc., and be responsible for the formulation of technical plans, technical drawings, technical data sorting and other work of the company\'s equipment; 5.Familiar with assembly, debugging and machining process; 6.Be able to handle on-site technical problems independently, improve and improve on-site technical problems according to user needs, and independently analyze and solve various technical problems in the product development process.


上班地址:浙江省台州市玉环市沙门镇, 中国 , 德国


迈得医疗工业设备股份有限公司,创建于2003年3月。2019年12月,迈得医疗在上海证券交易所科创版上市(股票代码:688310)。公司坐落于风景秀丽的浙江省玉环市,是一家专门从事医用耗材智能装备研发、生产、销售的现代化公司。公司是“国家高新技术企业”、“专精特新小巨人企业”。 迈得医疗以成为“医用耗材自动化的领先者”为愿景;以“用心创造,推动医疗器械产业升级”为使命,在公司本部及上海、天津、德国斯图加特等研发中心的共同努力下,正逐步从“设备供应商”向“整体解决方案提供商”过渡,并努力为客户打造“智慧工厂”。